“Most people haven’t shit blood ten times a day for months at a time. I have.”, says drummer Michael Malinowski, brainchild behind Toxic Shock Syndrome’s latest album, “Till Death”. As if getting diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, an Inflammatory Bowel Disease, wasn’t hard enough, it wouldn’t be long after that his bass player and best friend, Louis Conway, would tragically die at 26 years old, leaving him and the band heartbroken.

The album contains the last recordings Louis ever made. With the album missing vocals and flaky singers quitting left and right – the band and “Till Death” was put on hold.

Two years later, it’s 2020, and the world has shut down. With Michael and guitarist Daniel Chavez having healed some, they opened their files back up and started writing lyrics. Over the next two years they would write lyrics and search for singers to record the parts. After getting denied appearances from Nails, The Number Twelve Looks Like You, and Psyopus (although now they’re friends), they persevered and decided to look within their circle of friends to guest sing songs.

“Till Death”, which features vocals from members of Nekrogoblikon, The Manx, Fetus Eaters, and Anger As Art, is named after Louis’ recording studio in Hollywood. The album is about not having control and losing sight of yourself and your potential. Whether it’s your job, health, or addiction, we all have inner demons we’re dealing with and they attack us in different ways.

Although the band hasn't performed since Louis's death in 2018, their early days were riddled with shows including venues like the Queen Mary Dark Harbor and Alex's Bar in Long Beach, playing with bands like Corrupted Youth, Silent Planet, and Hemorage (SF. Yes, the dudes in the bus). They will be playing an album release show on April 29th, 2023 at Vine, Long Beach.

Looking forward, the band is sure of one thing: to honor Louis by spreading “Till Death” to as many people as possible.




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